Seeking balance between work and not work


Finn wants to go to bed!
Finn wants to go to bed!

It’s been three weeks since I let the lease on the office space expire and began, once again, working fully from my home. I’m still trying to strike that perfect balance between living and working. It takes discipline to work from home, not only to actually be effective and do my job but to know when to stop, to get up and set aside the work.


There are those who aren’t cut out for the lack of structure an office environment provides and fail to develop the solid lines between at-work and at-home. When they go to an office it’s easy to get in the mindset of this time belongs to the employer, they know what they’re supposed to do.  But when they only have to travel to another room in their home, they’re mentally still at home and can be easily distracted. Dashing off to swap out laundry, re-potting those plants on the chores list, or playing fetch with the dog becomes an “it’ll only take a minute” alternative to answering email, filling in that spreadsheet, whatever. If it’s not controlled, they end up getting behind because the day slips away and the work they’re paid for isn’t getting done, or done in a timely manner. It’s not all play and it becomes overwhelming. Then there are people like me. The ones who can’t seem to wrap up the day and end up working 18 hours, because it’s so easy just to keep going. Why not work on X project while watching T.V.? These types are usually the ones who eat lunch at their desk because they’re into a task and want to get it wrapped up. That’s fine, but then you find yourself doing the same for dinner. And breakfast, too.

Then there those, like me, who start their day at 7 or 8 and suddenly it’s going on midnight and they’ve not left their desk except for when nature calls or to grab a bite. We can’t seem to wrap up the day at eight or ten house and end up working 18 or more because it’s just so easy just to keep going. Why not work on X project while watching T.V.? These types are usually the ones who eat lunch at their desk because they’re into a task and want to get it wrapped up. That’s fine, but then you find yourself doing the same for dinner. And breakfast, too.

Not a healthy balance. Once will get you fired and the other will burn you out.

It’s 23:45 now, and I’m still at my desk. Granted, this is a personal blog, but I’m still. at. my. desk. I have to go to bed!!! Poor puppies, they are sleepy.


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